
The original manuals here are those that served as the basis for the interventions in the initial RAISE Early Treatment Program (later called NAVIGATE). In 2020, the manuals were updated to reflect findings from new research as well as feedback from sites using NAVIGATE. We have used “Updated Manual 2020” to delineate the new manuals.

Team Members Guide

Everyone on the team should read this manual for an overview of the NAVIGATE program and how it works, the logistics of staffing, role responsibilities for each team member, team meetings, and how the team works together in a collaborative, person-centered way.

Program Director Manual

The NAVIGATE director will find information on starting up the program, outreach and recruitment, forming and leading the team, conducting team meetings, and conducting IRT and SEE supervision.

Family Education (FE) Manual

This manual guides the family clinician in how to help relatives gain the necessary knowledge base, attitudes, and skills to cope effectively and to support their loved ones progress towards recovery; the manual includes handouts for family members and clinical guidelines for the Family Clinician.

Individual Resiliency Trainer (IRT) Manual

This manual gives an overview of IRT, which is a modular-based intervention for helping individuals identify and enhance their strengths and resiliency factors, increase their illness management skills, and learn skills to increase their success in achieving personal goals, such as employment, education, and positive relationships; each module contains handouts for the clients and clinical guidelines for the IRT.

Prescribers Manual

This manual provides strategies and skills for working with individuals with first episode psychosis, such as engagement, assessment, medication management, medication adherence, identification and management of side effects (including hyperprolactemia, and metabolic and cardiovascular side effects).

Supported Employment and Education (SEE) Manual

This manual teaches the principles of Supported Employment and Education and provides strategies and skills for the SEE specialist for engagement, assessment, addressing illness-related challenges to work and school, disability benefits, the pros and cons of disclosure, conducting a school and/or job search, providing follow-along supports; several useful forms and handouts are provided for each aspect of providing SEE.

Free Initial Consultation

If you are interested in exploring implementing NAVIGATE at your agency or in your state, we offer a free one-hour phone consultation. You can set one up by e-mailing Susan Gingerich, MSW, by clicking the Contact Us button below.

Susan has worked with individuals with mental illness and their families for over 35 years, and for the past 23 years has also provided training and consultation for mental health professionals. She has worked with the NAVIGATE program since its inception. Susan has 13 years of experience working with multiple NAVIGATE sites across the U.S, Canada, and China.

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