Training and Consulting


If you are interested in exploring implementing NAVIGATE at your agency or in your state, we offer a free one hour phone consultation. You can set one up by e-mailing Susan Gingerich, at

More About Susan Gingerich

Susan Gingerich, MSW, is based in Philadelphia, PA. She is the training coordinator for the NAVIGATE First Episode Psychosis Treatment Program and has participated in NAVIGATE training in 28 states.

Her research interests include Social Skills training, Illness Management and Recovery (IMR), Family Psychoeducation, and strategies for using technology to aid mental health recovery. Susan is the co-author with Kim Mueser of five books: Coping with Schizophrenia, Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia, The Coping Skills Group, The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia and Illness Management, and Recovery: Personalized Skills and Strategies for Those with Mental Illness.

Training Options

Different training options are available, depending on the size of the geographic area and population you plan to serve, your previous experience with first episode clients, your staffing options, and the resources you have available. Susan will help you explore the options for your agency or your state.

Free Initial Consultation

If you are interested in exploring implementing NAVIGATE at your agency or in your state, we offer a free one-hour phone consultation. You can set one up by e-mailing Susan Gingerich, MSW, by clicking the Contact Us button below.

Susan has worked with individuals with mental illness and their families for over 35 years, and for the past 23 years has also provided training and consultation for mental health professionals. She has worked with the NAVIGATE program since its inception. Susan has 13 years of experience working with multiple NAVIGATE sites across the U.S, Canada, and China.

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